Finding Holiday Cheer with Cancer
Cancer does not discriminate nor does it take note of our calendars. It does not acknowledge seasons or holidays. As the holidays approach, many people begin to feel the excitement surrounding the season, but for someone undergoing treatment for cancer, the holidays may be far from top of mind. For individuals fighting breast cancer this season, it’s still a good idea to celebrate the holidays in your own way. You may not feel up to decorating the tree or caroling with friends, but you can find cheer in simpler ways.
Create a Holiday Mood What do you enjoy most about the holiday season? Create daily routines that remind you of the holidays. Play your favorite holiday music, light a scented candle, and enjoy some eggnog or hot chocolate.
Emotional Support Whether it is leaning on family and friends, or joining a support group, it is important to have people around you that can support you emotionally. It's normal to be fearful, angry, and sad during your journey. Give yourself permission to express your feelings this holiday season.
Treat Yourself Depending on where you are in your journey, take time to enjoy your favorite holiday activities and treats. Make these little things a priority. You deserve to experience joy, especially now. You can take extra precautions to ensure your safety if you decide to venture out. If you decide to do some holiday shopping, don't forget to buy yourself a gift.
Take Care of Yourself
Be sure to get plenty of rest and stay hydrated. Make your health a priority by eating nutritious meals, exercising when possible, and reducing stress. You may feel like your body has betrayed you, but it's important that you nurture it during and after treatment.
Serve Someone
It may seem counter-intuitive, but making someone else's day better can brighten your spirit. It can be as simple as sending a greeting card or raising funds for a charity.
Holiday Celebrations Make sure to stay connected with family and friends this year by attending virtual gatherings or socially distanced events. Although your inclination may be to stay away from people, especially if you do not feel or look like yourself, social interaction is an important component of your overall wellbeing.
Most importantly, remember that you are not alone this holiday season. Hope for the Journey is here to support and guide you through your cancer journey. We're available by phone, email, and in-person. If you need help covering the cost of groceries or prescriptions, please contact us. We may be able to assist or connect you with an organization that can. From all of us at Hope for the Journey, we wish you joy, peace and good health.